Intravenous infusion of vasopressin in the treatment of bleeding from severe hemorrhagic gastritis.

: Over a 3-year period continuous intravenous infusion of moderate doses of vasopressin in 13 patients bleeding profusely from hemorrhagic gastritis, was associated with rapid control of the bleeding in 11 patients, while in 2 patients prolonged infusion was required to stop the hemorrhage. In 2 patients there was a relapse of the hemorrhage 3 and 7 days after the initial treatment, which was successfully controlled by renewed vasopressin infusion. There was no mortality and no complications of the vasopressin treatment were encountered. The results compared favourably with the experience from the preceding 3-year period where a comparable group of patients undergoing conventional medical and surgical treatment suffered a mortality of 38%. This study therefore suggests that vasopressin infusion performed continuously with moderate doses over extended periods, improves survival of patients with severe hemorrhagic gastritis through control of bleeding.
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