Tinjauan Kemampuan Keterampilan Teknik Dasar Bola Voli pada Siswa Ekstrakurikuler Bola Voli Sman 1 Bunut

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan tentang tinjauan kemampuan keterampilan teknik dasar bola voli pada siswa ekstrakurikuler bola voli SMAN 1 Bunut. Penelitian ini tergolong pada penelitian deskripitif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling (sampel jenuh), dimana seluruh populasi yang dijadikan sebagai sampel. Berdasarkan penentuan sampel di atas maka didapat sampel sebanyak 20 siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler Bola Voli SMAN 1 Bunut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah diuraikan pada bab terdahulu dapat dikemukakan kesimpulan bahwa : Tingkat kemampuan passing bawah yang dominan dimiliki siswa ekstrakurikuler Bolavoli di Sekolah SMAN 1 Bunut Kabupaten Pelalawan adalah 1,7-80,5tergolong baik. (36,36%), Tingkat kemampuan passing atas yang dominan dimiliki siswa ekstrakurikuler Bolavoli di Sekolah SMAN 1 Bunut Kabupaten Pelalawan adalah 48,7-56,5  tergolong kategori baik (40,90%), Tingkat kemampuan servis yang dominan dimiliki siswa ekstrakurikuler Bolavoli di Sekolah SMAN 1 Bunut Kabupaten Pelalawan adalah 13,3-1452 tergolong kategori kurang  (31,80%), Tingkat kemampuan smash yang dominan dimiliki siswa ekstrakurikuler Bolavoli di Sekolah SMAN 1 Bunut Kabupaten Pelalawan adalah 13,9-15,7  tergolong kategori kurang (36,36%). Descriptive of Volleyball Basic Skills on Volleyball Extracurricular  Students SMAN 1 Bunut Abstract The purpose of this study was to reveal a review of the ability of volleyball basic technical skills in volleyball extracurricular students at SMAN 1 Bunut. This research belongs to descriptive research. This study uses a total sampling technique (saturated sample), in which the entire population is sampled. Based on the determination of the sample above, 20 samples were obtained from students who joined the Volleyball extracurricular at SMAN 1 Bunut. Based on the results of the research described in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that: The dominant level of under-passing ability possessed by Bolavoli extracurricular students at SMAN 1 Bunut School in Pelalawan Regency is 1.7-80.5, which is classified as good. (36.36%), the level of passing ability over the dominant extracurricular students possessed at Bolavoli SMAN 1 Bunut Pelalawan Regency was 48.7-56.5 classified as good category (40.90%), the level of service ability dominantly possessed by extracurricular students The volleyball at SMAN 1 Bunut in Pelalawan Regency is 13.3-1452 classified as less (31.80%), the dominant level of smash ability possessed by extracurricular students Bolavoli at SMAN 1 Bunut Pelalawan Regency is 13.9-15.7 classified as a category less (36.36%).
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