
The Sanskrit Text Mahāyāna-Sūtrālāṃkāra (abbr. MSA; Chinese translation inTang dynasty Dasheng zhuangyanjing lun) is a literature that promotes the Buddhist Mind-Only and Bodhisattva Pathphilosophy. In the Text, Chapter 17 Pūjāsevāpramāṇa (Worship, Service, and Immeasurables) contains the usage of instructions conducted by "interrogative pronuns (kāpadeśa)" and"relative pronouns (yāpadeśa)", which has become an important subject of research, and is a characteristic of the annotative style used by treatise masters of the Yogâcāra system, especially Asaṅga. We also fi nd the usage of this annotation style in Chapter 1 "Prologue" verse 1, Chapter 16 "Pāramitā (Perfection)" verses 52-56in the MSA, and in Chapter 4 "Sāṃkathya (Discussion)" in Xuanzang's Chinese translation of Mahāyānābhidharma-samuccaya and vyākhyā. However, scholars of Japan's academia hold different opinions on Chapter 17 verses 1-5 "Explanation of Worshiping Buddhas" and verses 9-14ab "Explanation of Serving Good Friends and Teachers", concerning whether these passages were written in the sentence pattern of "relative pronouns (yāpadeśa)". Therefore, this paper will focus on this subject to discuss the issues relative to Sanskrit philology and Buddhism, and suggest the following opinions: (1) Create modern terms forSanskrit "kāpadeśa" and "yāpadeśa"in Chinese as "eight-interrogative-pronoun resolution" (or "eight-interrogative argumentation" in short) and "eight relativepronoun resolution" (or "eight-relative argumentation" in short); (2) defi ne the seven cases of the interrogative pronoun or relative pronoun in their "sequence of meaning", in spite of their "sequence of form"; (3) among them, the eighth "resolution by kinds" is relative to the eleven kinds of investigation on the Five Aggregates, as originated from the Āgamas and Nikayas. (4) The academic assertion on the relation between "the grammatical seven cases or the seven meanings of kāpadeś or yāpadeśa" and "thusness of things (yathāvad-bhāvikatā)" should be open for further discussion.
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