Analysis of Utility Status of College Students in Assam Agricultural University under Rural Agricultural Work Experience Programme (RAWE)

The Rural Agricultural Work Experience Programme (RAWE) has become an integral part of the B. Sc (Agri) degree programme in Assam Agricultural University, India, since its introduction in 1991.T he present study to ascertain the degree of utility of the RAWE programme in terms of strong establishment of linkage with farming community and successful transfer of agricultural technology to farmers' field was conducted in Assam Agricultural University, India with a total sample size of 86 undergraduate students. The study reveals that among the utility areas identified under the study, communication skills showed the highest positive response as reported by 48.01% respondents followed by courses undergone (45.35 %) and farm practices (39.02%). While utility areas of rural development (19.65%) and marketing and management of resources (23.10%) showed least positi ve responses from the students in terms of their utility towards agricultural development in study areas. The study further shows that variables such as sex, Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), location of RAWEP.
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