Occupational safety in the people’s mining of Tuff Breksi in Wukirsari village, Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta

The potential collection of non-metallic minerals mostly traditionally carried out using the people’s mining method. People’s mining method is done using traditional mining tools without operating heavy equipment and done by the local community. Tuff Breksi Mining in Wukirsari Village is a people’s mining activity that has economic value for the local community also the risk of potential work accidents due to unsafe actions. Research is conducted to provide occupational safety information for people’s mining activities. The methods used in this research are observation, interviews, and data analysis. For the detailed results of occupational safety information, intensive surveys and communication are needed to local miners to find out what miners need and provide suggestions and input on their problems. From the results of research and interviews conducted on mining workers obtained at locations with a slope height of 10-20 meters with a slope of 90 degrees, the results are the frequency of accidents that are included very rarely in several years (1-5 events/ year). Potential for work accidents, there are three incidents with high-risk accidents caused by not paying attention to the rules of ergonomics at work and not complying with occupational safety regulations, especially for safety mining activities regulation. With due regard to the rules of ergonomics, can reduce the risk of workplace accidents and improve occupational safety and provide recommendations for local regulations of the mining sector.
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