Analytical assessment of Akika Pishti based on Ancient and Modern Parameter

Accidental poisoning of Jayapal occurs due to ingestion of oil or overdose of medicinal preparations which contains Jayapal. It is also used as abortificant, roots may also be locally used for abortion. LD50 value of Jayapal Beeja Churna was calculated according to OECD guidelines. Drug safety of Saindhavadi Yoga was also done to see whether it was toxic or not. Then dose of both drugs were calculated. In vivo study was conducted at authentified animal house. After dosing the animals with suspension of Jayapal Beeja Churna, they were observed for symptoms of poison. All necessary precautions were taken during experiment. Observations were tabulated, Data was analysed with the help of descriptive statistics along with Mann-whiteny U test for statistical significance at p value of 0.05 and ANOVA test. Conclusion was drawn based on the analysed data that shows role of Saindhvadi Yoga as antidote against Jayapal Beej poisoning. The observations confirmed that, Saindhvadi Yoga delays the effect of Jayapal Beej poisoning. It shows, there is a difference in experimental (Group II) and trial group (Group III).
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