Immunohistochemical examination of trophoblast populations in human first trimester and term placentae and of first trimester spiral arteries with the monoclonal antibody GZ 112

Abstract This paper presents an immunohistochemical study with a monoclonal mouse antibody GZ 112, an IgG 1 kappa, which is directed against an antigen expressed in first trimester placenta by all proliferative and invasive extravillous trophoblast populations including a population of Langhans cells that represent extravillous stem cells. Additionally, the GZ 112 antigen is associated with morphological changes of spiral arteries preceding local trophoblast invasion. In term placentae, GZ 112 also strongly reacts with all extravillous trophoblast populations, but additionally recognizes partly villous cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast too, displaying a heterogeneous staining pattern. GZ 112 is directed against a 42-KDa antigen. Intracytoplasmic network-like staining and cross-reactivity with various human surface and glandular epithelia indicate a cytokeratin intermediate filament or a cytokeratin intermediate filament associated molecule as antigen.
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