Sistem Pemantauan Tumbuh Kembang Anak Dengan Acuan Metode Denver II Berbasis Web

A child growth is a continuous process which begins when he/she was in the womb until he/ she becomes an adult. The critical period in the process of child development requires a stimulation, so that the child's potential is able to grow. This condition needs additional attention so that the child can optimally grow.Denver Development Screening Test (DDST) is a screening method to know if there are development disorders in a child growing process. The conventional form of DDST tests still use papers, which have many limitations such as loss of examination data and difficulties to search for a certain data. Based on these problems, there is an alternative provided which is to create a web-based DDST examination form. This web-based DDST examination form offers many features to help managing tests, displaying children's test results, and acting as archives and information for parents about their child's development. This web-based DDST examination form is created using the Waterfall system development method and the PHP programming language with Codeigniter framework, mysql as its database management system; the bootstrap display and the Denver II method are used as the references from the beginning of the processing system and the end of the designed system.The results of of the study are a based information system of websites which including on the Denver II test, a graph an interpretation of a of inspection result and also can be printing the results of our checks that had been conducted were.
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