Hybrid PVT- A Novel Method For Improvement Of Solar Panel Efficiency

An alternative and cost effective solution to developingintegrated PV system is to use hybrid photovoltaic thermal solarsystem .The temperature of PV modules increases due toabsorbed solar radiation that is not converted into electricity, dueto these increases the heat causing a decrease in their efficiency.In hybrid solar PV/T system the temperature of the of PV modulecan be reduced by using circulating of water through thecollectors at the back side of the PV/T panel. In this paper wepresent the developing a new hybrid PV/T solar system. HybridPV/T system can provide electrical and thermal energy, thusachieving a higher energy conversion rate of the absorbed solarradiation. The main advantage of our combined PV/T solarsystem is to removing of heat from the PV panel, thus thedecrease in temperature and increase in efficiency of system, alsoextend the lifetime of photovoltaic cells due to the removing ofheat from PV part which is used to heat the water in the thermalpart of the panel.
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