Acessibilidade ao transporte público nas áreas de morro do Recife

This paper studies the microaccessibility conditions related to the public transport of passengers with focus on areas of difficult topography, having as object of work the hills of the northern part of the city of Recife. The research proposes to consider as a measure of impedance, the physical effort expended in the trips from home to the transportation system, and not only the distance and the time spent in these displacements. The calculation of the energy expenditure is based on the Metabolic Equivalent Task (MET) concept, which was applied considering the standard physical conditions of the user. In order to identify the real needs of the local population, qualitative interviews were initially conducted with focus groups. The calculations, applied to the cartographic base, gave rise to a cloud of quoted points that, with the aid of AutoCAD Civil3D, allowed the generation of Isoforces Curves capable of showing the areas less favored from the point of view of microaccessibility. Finally, the calculations were redone, considering a new reality, including interventions in the urban fabric in order to promote new connections through the inclusion of new pedestrian paths in the sections with worse micro accessibility. The resulting new features were satisfactory, evidencing the need to consider physical effort in the treatment of transportation in these areas.
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