Análisis del costo económico generado por los problemas nutricionales en una comunidad indígena: Caso de estudio en niños de Tepelmeme, Oaxaca, México.

Introduction: Currently, we face significant health pro-blems in the population caused by bad eating habits, acqui-red from childhood. It is generating incorrect eating habitsuntil adulthood. The problem comes to be generated by fac-tors of education, geographical areas and family economy. Methodology: This work consists of a study carried out ina rural community in the State of Oaxaca in children betweenthe ages of 3 and 12, to whom questionnaires were appliedto know their eating habits, in addition, anthropometric mea-surements such as height, weight and BMI. Results: It was determined through this work that mostchildren in this community hardly consume junk food. Theirheights and weights were compared with data from childrenof the same age obtained by the World Health Organization(WHO). It was observed within the ranges of the exact para-meters obtained in the children studied. Conclusion: Children must be fed healthily so as not togenerate subsequent health problems, such as chronic disea-ses, among which are mainly diabetes, hypertension, obesityand other health problems that, in addition to the impact onthe quality of life of people, over the years becomes a verysignificant economic burden to the health sector and the eco-nomy of the families themselves.
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