Разработка алгоритмов распределенной системы управления установкой осушки воздуха уов-1

Many chemical processes are sensitive to the presence of the process gas of water vapor. Therefore, drying gas is of great practical importance. The required degree of drying of process gases can provide a water vapor adsorption of zeolites. The process of dry compressed air from the air based on the physical ability of the zeolite to adsorb in the pores and on the surface moisture. During operation, the zeolite is saturated with moisture, which leads eventually to increase the dew point of the dried air. To maintain the dew point is provided at a constant regeneration of the zeolite, representing the moisture desorbed from the adsorbent bed at a lower operating pressure to atmospheric, and purging it with dry hot air. The main objective of this work is the development of a distributed control system installation air drying and, in particular, research and development of procedural model switching algorithm adsorber regeneration. A software implementation of the beginning of the start of the regeneration process algorithms determine the latter adsorber being in work, the choice of adsorber regeneration and switching waiting in operation, switching regenerable adsorber in regeneration mode, the end of the regeneration, the adsorber switching to standby mode. Implementation of control and logic control function has been made in the graphical configuration tool Control Builder. Mimic installation made in HMIWeb Display Builder environment. The physical model of the installation of air drying UOV-1 on a reduced scale, which do not address the chemically hazardous and noxious substances, can be recommended for use in laboratory practical disciplines undergraduate and graduate students studying the principles of construction, software and hardware and systems of automated control systems processes.
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