Features of mental deadaptation formation in powder production workers

Objective. The aim was to assess the impact of production and non-production risk factors on the formation of mental health disorders in chemical workers. Materials and methods. 201 employees of the main and 352 employees of the group of control were examined by a clinical method using a clinical structured psychiatric interview; questionnaires to identify additional non-production risk factors; questionnaire of neurotization. The calculations were carried out in the environment of the statistical system R. For modeling dependencies and calculating probabilities, logistic regression models were built, factor analysis was carried out. Results. The dependence of the formation of prenosological mental disorders in workers on the temporal characteristics, the level of material support and the actual production factors was revealed. The proportion of persons with mental deadaptation MD) in the main group 72.5 %) and the group of control 27.5 %) significantly differ from each other p ≤ 0.001). Conclusions. 1. The structure and the actual risk of MD formation among workers in the production of gunpowder is determined by harmful labor factors, depends on economic security, evolves depending on time characteristics. 2. For persons working under the influence of a chemical factor of the production environment in combination with explosive and fire hazardous works, the leading is astheno-vegetative symptomatology in combination with the personality type of conversion reaction. In the first 9 years of experience, general neurotic reactions are observed with a pronounced contribution from all scales, indicating the tension of adaptation mechanisms up to the formation of decompensation. With an increase in the length of time, the reactions are transformed into a conversion type of response according to the somato-vegetative type with a phobic radical and obsessions, and subsequently manifest themselves in relative independence from characterological reactions. 3. The degree of severity of reactions is characterized by variability, significantly overlapping the types of disorders that can be considered in the framework of «Other mood disorders» F38.0 and F38.1), which does not give grounds to classify them as F30-F34, since they are not sufficiently pronounced and severe.
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