Aplikasi Proses Pemisahan dengan Membran Mikrofiltrasi dan ReverseOsmosis untuk Menghasilkan Susu Sapi Berkadar Lemak Rendah, ProteinTinggi, dan Air Rendah

Milk is one of beverages that any consumes by people. It’s cause milk contains high protein that can help process of metabolism. Nutrient component contains in milk is energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorous, iron matter, vitamin (A, B1, C) and water. One of milk product prospect to develop is milk with low water degree, low fat degree, high protein degree and have minimum microorganism. Milk process manufacturing generally used for thicken milk by heating is evaporation. Evaporation process is process to evaporate water contents. Hovewer, milk will degradation if heating at high temperature and a long time. Condensed alternative of milk besides through evaporation process is through Reverse Osmosis process, while to lessen microorganism and improve nutrient content at milk can be done through Microfiltration process. The aim of this research to get milk product with low water content, low fat, high protein, and minimum microorganism. This research reverse osmosis membrane modules for the process is a spiral-wound, the membrane module to microfiltration process tubulare, and pump is used Diaphragm Pump while variables in this study is the influence of different variations on the press and reverse osmosis equipment bars 5 - 8.5 and microfiltration equipment bars 1 - 4. From result of research obtained for milk result of microfiltration process has lower fat content, higher level protein content, number of slimmer microorganisms, and higher level water content, while from reverse osmosis processing yielded milk with lower water content. Best milk yielded at this research obtained at condition of compress difference bar 4 to microfiltration process and compress difference bar 8 to reverse osmosis process with composition of nutrient content at the milk having fat rate that is is too not height that is 2.96 %, high protein rate 6.96 %, number of slimmer microorganisms 60 coloni/ml , and low water content 79.8 % volume. Keyword: Milk, Microfiltration, Reverse Osmosis, and Nutrient Content.
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