Poetics of Code/Code of Poetics. Generative Design Applied to ‘Arte Concreta’ Masterpieces

Through parameterizing masterpieces of ‘Arte Concreta’ movement, we will try to reproduce these ones and their possible variations. With this methodology, the computer copies the shape; the graphic language without the stylistic meaning and multiple possibilities can be explored. Thus might seem nonsense but allows us to find which are the limits of the computer, those qualities that cannot be copied or parameterized from the graphic masterpiece. In this way, it will let us know therefore what remains of authentic in the work. Furthermore, when it comes to provide the outline conditions to generate proposals according to a previous defined graphic language, we are implicitly analyzing the language that the author used, its own geometrical rules, repetitions or patterns. Somehow, we are codifying or parameterizing a manifesto or poetics, an attitude. We will start it out by the selection of authors and works belonging to the ‘Arte Concreta’ manifesto at diverse stages. Afterwards we will proceed first to its codification (‘imitate’) and secondly to its parameterization (‘reproduce’) defining the fixed and variable parameters. Finally a comparative analysis will be done between the results and the original works and also with the original manifesto, in order to achieve some conclusions.
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