Endothelial Shc regulates arteriogenesis through dual control of arterial specification and inflammation via the notch and nuclear factor-κ-light-chain-enhancer of activated B-cell pathways.

Rationale:Arteriogenesis, the shear stress–driven remodeling of collateral arteries, is critical in restoring blood flow to ischemic tissue after a vascular occlusion. Our previous work has shown that the adaptor protein Shc mediates endothelial responses to shear stress in vitro. Objective:To examine the role of the adaptor protein Shc in arteriogenesis and endothelial-dependent responses to shear stress in vivo. Methods and Results:Conditional knockout mice in which Shc is deleted from endothelial cells were subjected to femoral artery ligation. Hindlimb perfusion recovery was attenuated in Shc conditional knockout mice compared with littermate controls. Reduced perfusion was associated with blunted collateral remodeling and reduced capillary density. Bone marrow transplantation experiments revealed that endothelial Shc is required for perfusion recovery because loss of Shc in bone marrow–derived hematopoietic cells had no effect on recovery. Mechanistically, Shc deficiency resulted in impaired activati...
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