Prevention of hematogenous infection in peripheral venous catheterization with integrated medical assistance in patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Objective This study is aimed at verifying the effect of specific management modalities aimed at reducing or preventing the incidence of infections in the blood flow in relation to the use of the central venous catheter (CRBSI = catheterrelated bloodstream infection) in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Methods 36 patients (n = 36) with a peripherally inserted venous catheter (PICC) were enrolled in the integrated medical treatment group, while 128 patients with an internal central venous catheter were enrolled in the control group. The patients in the control group underwent routine nursing, while the patients in the treatment group underwent integrated surveillance control infection treatment by doctors and were compared between these two groups l incidence of complications, CRBSI. Results The incidence of complications of the CRBSI type was significantly lower in the whole treatment group than in the control group and the difference was statistically significant (p Conclusion It is concluded that the implementation of the infection control management modality within the integration of medical care for PICC chemotherapy patients in the Oncology Department can effectively reduce the incidence of infectious complications in the bloodstream, and improve the level of nursing care in peripheral venous catheterization (PICC) with improved patient satisfaction. Key words Chemotherapy, Individualized management, Infection control management mode under medical care integration/Nursing, Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC).
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