Reproductive health counseling and contraceptive use in Mexican women with rheumatic diseases: a cross-sectional study.

There is an overall increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes and maternal morbidity in patients with most autoimmune rheumatic diseases (ARD); outcomes are generally improved when the pregnancy is planned and the disease is in control. The objective of the present study was to describe the sexual and reproductive health characteristics and contraceptive use of Mexican women in childbearing age with ARD. We conducted an observational, cross-sectional, and descriptive study. All non-pregnant childbearing age women with an ARD were invited to participate. A self-administered questionnaire of ten items that included questions about sexuality, use of contraceptive methods, pregnancy desire, and contraceptional counseling was applied. A total of 135 women were evaluated. The median age was 33 (25–39) years. Contraceptive use was referred by 49 (71%) of the patients that had sexual activity the last month, while 20 (28.9%) patients denied use. From the patients who had initiated sexual activity (N = 112), 41 (36.6%) did not use any contraceptive method, and 16 (14%) used a method classified as ineffective. The question about contraceptive counseling was answered by 112 patients. Eighty (70.4%) said they had received counseling from health-professional and 64 (57.1%) from their rheumatologist. A total of 57% of the women with teratogenic drugs did not employ a contraception method. Contraceptive use and reproductive health counseling are suboptimal in Mexican women with ARD. A high proportion of women taking teratogenic drugs did not employ a highly effective contraceptive method. Strategies to improve reproductive and sexual health are necessary.
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