La gestión administrativa y financiera de la compañía de transportes livianos “10 de Enero” C.A., del cantón San Miguel, provincia Bolívar, año 2013

At present the different organizations are handled in environments efficiency, effectiveness and economy, which involves managing about managing their resources to achieve goals. This research has been developed in order to propose improvements for Administrative and Financial Transport Company "January 10", the same that is dedicated to the provision of light transport in the Canton of San Miguel System so for this requires the purchase of materials for transport units, personnel management to carry out their activities and to be a Limited Company must keep accounting and optimally manage their financial resources to provide a quality service, maintaining in the transport sector is an important economic development of the country as a competitive company and factor improvement goals. Therefore we developed a Financial Management Model Administrativo- with all the necessary features for a correct handling, which will help the company to develop adequately the financial statements, based on the proposed formats; policies and procedures that will guide orientation in the Administrative and Financial part of the company and so thus improving the capacity of the institution and achieve the proposed objectives defined. This research work is divided into three chapters the same as detailed below: In Chapter I: Theme, Background, Problems, Rationale, Objectives and theoretical framework is presented the same as it is divided into: reference framework which constitutes the history of the company, conceptual framework are terminologies used in research, legal framework are the laws that the company take refuge such as; Law of Popular and Solidarity Economy, The Organic Law of Land Transport, Traffic and Road Safety, its regulations and scientific theories are definitions taken from several authors, the same that contribute to the development of this work. Chapter II. It refers to the application of data collection, analysis, discussion and interpretation of results, testing hypotheses, conclusions and recommendations. Chapter III: The proposed subject of study that is based on the implementation of a Financial Management Model Administrative- is defined
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