Protein Analysis of Anzer Bee Pollen by Bradford Method

The aim of this work is to determine the plants that are foraged by honeybees in Anzer Plateau and to evaluate the protein content of the pollen samples. W i t h in t h e context of the study, pollen samples were collected from two different bee farms located in the Anzer Plateau during the period June-August, 2013 by using traps in honey bee hives. T h e po l le n lo ad s o f t h e b e e s w e re firstly classi f ied a c c o rding to t h e ir c o lor. T h e o r ig in o f p l a n ts was de t e r m i n e d i n family and/or g en u s le v e l according to microscopical analyses. Total prot e i n c on t e n t o f po l le n s a mp les w a s d e t e r m i n e d by using Bra d f o rd m e t h od. As a res u lt o f palynological a na l y sis, it was found that t he protein content of the Anzer pollen samples were found between the range of 3.2-17.6 g/100g. Geraniaceae family w a s f o un d as the mostly preferred taxon as a foraged plant. According to our findings, its protein content is determined to be found between 5-7.8 g/100g according to the collection date and location.
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