Bektaşî Bir Şair Behrî ve Divanında Yer Almayan Şiirleri

This study is about Behrī who is thought to be a Bektashi in terms of the subjects he deals with in his poems. There is not any information about his life in biographical sources. The only work of the poet that has been detected so far is his Dīwān. There are 1 mukhammes, 42 museddes, 1 mutessa, 1 musemmen, 24 odes, 2 terkibibent, 16 terciibent, 47 lyric and 38 rubaie in the Dīwān. In addition, 6 more poems that were not included in Behrī’s Dīwān were identified.The work that contains Behrī’s poems, is a treatise corpus containing poems, prose texts, and prayers about various sects, registered in the German National Library Turkish Manuscripts Collection (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preusischer Kulturbesitz) under the fixture number Ms.or.oct.1592. Although the works in corpus are related to Ḥurūfism, they are generally brought together in terms of their content features. In the corpus respectively: Risâle-i Haydari-Tarikat-nâme-i Ilâhi, Esrâr-nâme-i Naksi-i Akkirmâni, El-Ilmu Noktatun Kesserhâ’l-câhilun Hazret-i Ali kerrema’llâhu vechehu, Kitâb-i Kesf-nâme-i Ilâhi, Silsile-nâme-i Âl-i Abâ, Makâmât-i Evliyâ Aksemseddin, and Kitâb-i Ruhiyâ ve Gayr-i Resâ’il treatises are included. Moreover, there are examples extracted from the prose and poetry works related to the religious orders that are mentioned in the corpus. The part that is the subject of this study is the section where Behrī’s poems are found between 162b-166b pages of the corpus. Here, there are 9 poems belonging to Behri; three of them are in Behrī’s Dīwān. Other poems consist of 1 elegy describing twelve imams, 1 Elif-nāme written in the form of lyric containing quotations from various verses, and 1 poem and 3 ballad on Bektashism. One of the ballads is on twelve imams and the other two are about Abdal Musa.Keywords: Corpus, Bektashi, Ḥurūfism, Dīwān, Ballad.
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