Иммунологическая оценка влияния аргоноплазменной коагуляции на скорость регенерации костной ткани в эксперименте на крысах

The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of argon plasma coagulation on the rate of bone tissue regeneration in experimental conditions. It is known that argon-plasma coagulation gives visible clinical benefits, namely the most complete hemostasis over a large area with the creation of a thin (1-2 mm) reliable scab with minimal risk of rebleeding. That´s why after influence argon-enhanced coalescent the destruction and tissue necrosis much decreased than after the classic electrosurgery, the result of which is earlier bone and skin wound healing. For the experiment, there were matched two groups of outbred male rats (total 30 animals) aged 5-6 months, contained in the analog cell conditions and received the same diet throughout the experiment. Places of bone perforation in experimental rats were treated with argon-plasmausing machine FOTEK EA 141ы for 4 seconds without heating the tissue above 50 °С, and thenc onducted laboratory study.
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