Diversity of birds in the Mata do Junco State Wildlife Refuge, a remnant of the Atlantic Forest of Northeastern Brazil

This study presents an inventory of the bird fauna of the Mata do Junco State Wildlife Refuge in Capela, in the northeastern Brazilian state of Sergipe. Monthly samples were collected between January 2011 and May 2012. Each 3-day sample was based on mist-netting (100 m) in two areas and the compilation of MacKinnon lists of 10 species. During the 17 months of the study period, the occurrence of 129 bird species belonging to 41 families was confirmed for the study area. In the mist-nets, a total of 469 individuals representing 58 species were captured in 3400 net-hours of sampling effort. A total of 100 MacKinnon lists were compiled, resulting in an inventory of 119 bird species. Eight of the species are endemic to Brazil, of which, five are restricted to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Three of the species are included in the IUCN Red List, at different levels of concern. Overall, the results of the study indicate that the Mata do Junco represents an important area for the protection of the region’s avian fauna and the habitats they rely on.
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