Antonis Rogiersz. uten Broec. Een verluchter uit Utrecht, werkzaam in de Zuidelijke en de Noordelijke Nederlanden

Active in the Southern Netherlands in the mid-fifteenth century was a miniaturist who signed his work twice and who can be identified as Antonis Rogiersz. uten Broec. In addition to his contributions to the two manuscripts in which he included his name, he worked on three other Southern-Netherlandish manuscripts. Antonis' style as manifested in these five manuscripts reemerges in a group of illuminated manuscripts produced in Utrecht in the 1460s. They are attributed to the so-called Master of the Boston City of God. On the basis of stylistic arguments and circumstantial evidence of a codicological nature, I believe that this until now anonymous miniaturist is no one less than Antonis uten Broec. To substantiate this identification, research was conducted in the Utrecht archives on the Antonis uten Broec known from Southern-Netherlandish manuscripts. He appears to have been a member of a family that had been living and working in Utrecht for generations. It can hardly be doubted that Antonis' roots are in Utrecht and it is certain that he was buried there in 1468/'69. No matter how fragmentary, the mentions in Utrecht archival material afford biographical data on one of the generally anonymous miniaturists in the Northern Netherlands. At this point, of these artists, Antonis uten Broec is the best documented and, moreover, pursued his career in both the Northern and Southern Netherlands. This knowledge adds to our insight regarding the mobility and reciprocal influence of artists in both regions.
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