Is the recent increase in national homicide abnormal? Testing the application of fan charts in monitoring national homicide trends over time

Abstract Purpose The goal of this study is to compare the increase in the 2015 national homicide rate to the historical data series and other violent crime rate changes. Methods We use ARIMA models and a one-step ahead forecasting technique to predict national homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault rates in the United States. Annual Uniform Crime Report data published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation are used in our analysis. Results The 2015 homicide rate increased above the 90% prediction interval for our model, but not more conservative intervals. Predictions intervals for other national level crime rates consistently produced correct coverage using our forecasting approach. Conclusions Our findings provide weak evidence that the national homicide rate spiked in 2015, though data for 2016–2018 do not show a continued anomalous increase in the U.S. homicide rate.
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