Wet soil cover applicability and design

As part of a focused feasibility study for the Tyson Superfund site, Daekyoo Hwang, then with ERM, developed a flooding/flushing option. It was not considered a viable option due to concerns over contaminated groundwater control. The concept, however, had several attractive features: control of VOC emissions; the downward movement of water prevents contamination of the overlying clean soil by the upward movement of contaminated soil vapor; and some natural attenuation of the contaminated lagoon area soils. The new concept employs a near saturated soil layer to prevent VOC emission and the downward movement of water to prevent contamination of surface soil. The wet soil cover became one of five alternatives submitted as part of the focused feasibility study. It was selected as the remedial option for the site by the USEPA. The study was reviewed by the public and they also were positive as to the use of a wet soil cover to control VOC emissions at the site. The wet soil cover is currently being designed by Smith Environmental.
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