Low Zip 4 gene expression levels in RPMI - 8226 and ARH - 77 cell lines support the possible role of zip 4 transporter protein in plasma cell tumorogenesis

Abstract Aim. Multiple myeloma and plasma cell leukemia are cancers of plasma cells. Multiple myeloma rarely transforms to plasma cell leukemia during the progression period. Zinc as a chemical element modulates proliferation and differentiation of cells by affecting several growth factors. Zip 4 modifies zinc metabolism in a cell as a transporter protein. While high Zip 4 gene expression was found in pancreas and hepatocellular carcinoma, low Zip 4 gene expression was observed in prostate carcinoma. Methods. Here, Zip 4 expression levels were studied in RPMI - 8226 and ARH - 77 cell lines as examples of multiple myeloma and plasma cell leukemia, respectively. Results. We found lower Zip 4 gene expression levels in both cell lines than that of the normal control (0,000157 in RPMI - 8226, 0,000227 in ARH - 77 cell lines and 1 in normal control) The findings were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The expression levels of Z ip 4 gene in both cell lines were approximately similar. No statistical significance was found between the expression levels of Zip 4 in both cell lines (P = 0.547). Conclusion. The results of this study support the possible role of Zip 4 gene expression in plasma cell dyscrasias. The similar result of Zip 4 gene expression level in both cell lines has no role in the transformation of multiple myeloma to plasma cell leukemia. Keywords: Zip 4 gene, gene expression, multiple myeloma, plasma cell leukemia Ozet Amac. Mltipl myelom ve plazma hucreli losemi, plazma hucresinden koken alan kanserlerdir. Hastaligin ileri evresinde multipl myelom nadiren plazma hucreli losemi formuna doner. Kimyasal bir element olarak cinko farkli buyume faktorleri uzerinden memeli hucrelerinde cogalma ve farklilasmayi duzenler. Tasiyici bir protein olarak Zip 4 ise hucrede cinko metabolizmasinda aktif rol alir. Pankreas ve karaciger kanserlerinde artmis Zip 4 gen ekspresyonu bulunurken, prostat kanserinde dusuk Zip 4 gen ekspresyonu tanimlanmaktadir. Yontemler. Bu calismada, sirasi ile multipl myelom ve plazma hucreli losemilere ornek olabilecek RPMI - 8226 ve ARH - 77 hucre hatlarinda Zip 4 gen ekspresyon duzeyleri bakilmistir. Bulgular. Her iki hucre hattinda Zip 4 gen ekspresyon duzeyi normale gore daha dusuktur (RPMI - 8226 hucre hattinda 0,000157 ve ARH - 77 hucre hattinda 0,000227). Elde edilen veriler istatistiksel olarak anlamlidir (P < 0,05). Her iki hucre hattinda Zip 4 gen ekspresyon duzeyleri birbirine cok yakin olarak bulunmustur. Aralarinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir fark da bulunmamistir (P = 0,547). Sonuc. Sonuclar plazma hucre diskrazilerinde Zip 4 gen ekspresyonunun olasi rolunu destekler niteliktedir. Her iki hucre hattinda birbirine yakin bulunan Zip 4 gen ekpresyon duzeyinin multipl myelomanin plazma hucreli losemiye donusmesinde rolu olmadigini ortaya koymaktadir. Anahtar sozcukler: Zip 4 geni, gen ekspresyonu, multipl myelom, plazma hucreli losemi
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