Statistiniai lokalinio dainų repertuaro dėsningumai

The paper considers a local song repertoire from the statistical viewpoint, i.e. the general features of local repertoire. The repertoire of Mistūnai, Salcininkai Dst., is chosen as an example. Three parameters of the repertoire are examined: genre, geographical distribution, and informant. A set of quantitative indexes is proposed: averaged number of variants, individual indexes of representation of the whole and common local repertoires, individual index of repertoire originality, and so on. Genre distribution is very uneven. For example, wedding songs apparently prevail, yet work songs are bigger in number of variants. The local repertoire is mostly spread all over Lithuania, to a lesser degree, in Dzūkija, and even less number of the songs can be attributed to more localized geography. Distribution of the repertoire in respect of the informants can be considered as roughly clustering in four groups: “comprehensive” (large repertoire, big values of representation and originality indexes), “popular” (moderate size of repertoire, moderate values of representation and originality indexes), “secluded” (spare repertoire, small value of representation index, yet quite big value of originality index), “accident” (very little repertoire; reliable statistics is hardly possible). The features of repertoire groups are commented based on the phenomena of repertoire functioning, communication, and on the performer personality types. Key words: song genres, geographical distribution, performer types, repertoire, statistical analysis. DOI:
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