Fossil canids from the Mehrten Formation, Late Cenozoic of Northern California

ABSTRACTThe Hemphillian-age Mehrten Formation has yielded several fossil dogs (family Canidae). Initial study had identified all larger canids as Borophagus secundus ( = Osteoborus cyonoides), a bone-crushing borophagine (a diverse subfamily of extinct canids), and all smaller canids as Canis cf. C. davisi, a canine (a subfamily including all living canids). Later analysis split B. secundus into two taxa and reassigned Canis cf. C. davisi to Eucyon davisi, yet omitted fragmentary remains of possible vulpines. Despite this wealth of Mehrten canid materials, a detailed systematic treatment is lacking. More recently, additional specimens have become available, further necessitating a systematic examination of the canids at this site. The present study finds four canid species: two borophagines (Borophagus parvus and B. secundus) and two canines (E. davisi and Vulpes stenognathus, newly identified). We support the division of ‘B. secundus’ into the smaller B. parvus and the larger, more hypercarnivorous B. se...
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