Профиль провоспалительных цитокинов у больных с изолированной черепно-мозговой травмой средней и тяжелой степени тяжести

In the end of XX the beginning of the XXI-st century the traumatism and, in particular, a craniocereberal trauma becomes more and more actual problem not only medicine, but also any public system as a whole. The craniocereberal trauma can be considered from a position of stressful damage of body with inclusion adaptation-compensation reactions. In work we make an estimation proinflammatory cytokines interlejkin-1β and interlejkin-6 at 25 patients with craniocereberal trauma average and heavy severity level. It is shown that at patients with craniocereberal trauma average and heavy severity level at standard therapy of the basic proinflammatory cytokine interlejkin-1β authentically does not decrease. Absence of it dictates necessity of search of new additional approaches to treatment of this nosology to warn damaging action proinflammatory cytokines. TES-THERAPY concerns such methods.
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