Policies and practices to sustain soil productivity: perspectives from the public and private sectors

The USDA Forest Service, the Canadian Forest Service, and US and Canadian forest products industries are committed to the principles of sustainable forestry with a major focus on protecting soil productivity. The USDA Forest Service has developed and adopted soil quality standards to evaluate the effects of forest use and management activities on forest soils and, if necessary, prescribe remedial or preventive actions to avoid adverse impacts on soil productivity. Similarly, the Canadian Forest Service has adopted a series of criteria and indicators with which to monitor the impacts of management on soil resources. The policies of both public agencies reflect the recommendations of the Montreal Process Working Group (1999). Many forest industries have adopted the Sustainable Forestry Initiative developed by the American Forest and Paper Association (2000). Standards of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative clearly state the vi- sion and direction for achieving sustainable forest management, goals, and objectives to be attained and performance measures for judging whether a goal or objective has been achieved. However, both public and private entities recog- nize that current standards, criteria, and indicators represent first approximations. Continuing revision and adjustment based on information from long-term research studies are vital to protecting soil productivity while deriving optimum public benefits from our forest-based resources.
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