Modern Geodynamically Active Zones in the Central East European Craton

To identify the modern geodynamic processes in the structures of the East European Craton (EEC), the complex approach is used. The results of visual and automated deciphering of the LANDSAT satellite images are analyzed combined with the data of preci� sion measurements for horizontal components of motion rates of GPS reference points. The approach used allowed us to consider the modern activity of geo� logical structures and to distinguish the zones of higher geodynamic instability. To analyze the morphostructures and geodynamic setting of the studied territory, we constructed a space� tectonic scheme of the central EEC using the LESSA software packet [1] and data on the deep structure of the Earth’s crust [2] (Fig. 1). In the scheme, the sys� tems of extended lineaments of different directions are marked; these lineaments shape the integrated struc� tural pattern describing the complex geological evolu� tion of the region. Deep faults in the basement are often expressed on the surface as localized deforma� tions and clustered cracking zones. The rheological properties of sedimentary rocks predetermine the “scatter” of boundaries (faults) between the basement blocks [3]. The orientation of extended lineaments and linea� ment forms in the central EEC reflects the block struc� ture of the basement and partially reveals the buried structures that were activated at the neotectonic stage. Figure 1 shows that the major lineaments are oriented in the SW–NE and SE–NW directions and are related with the primary regmatic division of the crust trans� formed by tectonic processes. Sublatitudinal and sub� meridional lineaments are of secondary value [4]. The distinguished extended Moscow–Ryazan lineament zone of SE–NW strike consists of a series of subparal� lel extended lineaments and corresponds to the transi� tion zone boundary at the layer of sedimentary cover
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