Щодо модернізації вітчизняної системи управління податковими ризиками у контексті світового досвіду

The work of tax and any other authorities is associated with the risks that are manifested in the lack of information about the taxpayers’ business processes and their fi nancial status. Such uncertainty leads to the irrational use of tax authority resources and the development of a shadow economy, which develops in the absence of an eff ective tax risk management system. The system of tax risk management must fi rst and foremost provide a qualitative analysis of the objective and subjective factors of tax risks, identify key risks, establish the interrelation between sources and types of tax risks, assess tax risks, and have appropriate means of reducing the impact of tax risks. For the formation of such a system it is necessary to take into account international experience, since it has become the main prerequisite for introducing risk-oriented methods in dealing with taxpayers The purpose of the article is to study the foreign experience of tax risk management in the activity of the tax department to determine ways to modernize the domestic system. The issue of risk management in tax authorities has been repeatedly raised and is being discussed internationally. In particular, signifi cant steps have been taken in the development of tax administration standards at the level of the OECD, UN, EU and such specialized organizations as IOTA (Intra-European Organization of Tax Administrations). The risk management guidelines such as Risk Management Guide for Tax Administrations developed by the European Commission and updated ISO 31000: 2018 form the basis for most risk management techniques and strategies in the activities of tax authorities. Priority areas for improving the eff ectiveness of identifying, analyzing, assessing and ranking the risks of taxpayers’ non-compliance with the State fi scal service activity in the context of international experience are: developing and approving a tax risk management strategy; the allocation of powers to identify, analyze, evaluate and rank risks; development of tax authority information bases; formation of a unifi ed passport of risk, which in turn will allow to form a register of risks of non-compliance by taxpayers; motivation and professional development of the State fi scal service employees.
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