[Health-related quality of life in patients diagnosed with subacromial syndrome in the Talavera Integrated Area].

OBJECTIVE: There is a high prevalence of subacromial syndrome among patients with shoulder pathology, where the pain and tendency to chronification are some of its most important characteristics. This is why it is necessary to objectively interact with the quality of life of the subject. The main goal was to determine if there are differences between subacromial patients and asymptomatic patients regarding quality of life. METODOS: Se realizo un estudio transversal en el Area Integrada de Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), durante los meses de noviembre de 2016 a marzo de 2017. Participaron un total de 92 sujetos, de los que 46 eran sintomaticos, apareandose por edad y sexo con una muestra asintomatica y sin patologia articular del mismo tamano y area de salud. En ambos casos se les administro el cuestionario EQ-5D. La prevalencia se calculo a partir de la lista de espera de fisioterapia traumatologica del ano 2015. Se utilizo el programa estadistico SPSS, empleandose la prueba T y la chi-cuadrado. RESULTS: The EQ-5D questionnaire obtained a standardized mean of 0.70 in the subacromial syndrome and 0.85 in the asymptomatic population (P=0.0001). The prevalence of impingement subacromial within shoulder pathology was 39.19%. CONCLUSIONS: Subacromial syndrome has a high prevalence within the shoulder pathology in the Rehabilitation Service and significantly interferes in the quality of life related to the health of the subject.
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