Another super-dense sub-Neptune in K2-182 b and refined mass measurements for K2-199 b and c

We combine multiple campaigns of K2 photometry with precision radial velocity measurements from Keck-HIRES to measure the masses of three sub-Neptune-size planets. We confirm the planetary nature of the massive sub-Neptune K2-182 b ($P_\mathrm{b}= 4.7$ days, $R_\mathrm{b} = 2.69$ $R_\oplus$) and derive refined parameters for K2-199 b and c ($P_\mathrm{b} = 3.2$ days, $R_\mathrm{b} = 1.73$ $R_\oplus$, and $P_\mathrm{c} = 7.4$ days, $R_\mathrm{c} = 2.85$ $R_\oplus$). These planets provide valuable data points in the mass-radius plane, especially as TESS continues to reveal an increasingly diverse sample of sub-Neptunes. K2-182 (EPIC 211359660) is a moderately bright ($V = 12.0$ mag) early-K dwarf observed during K2 campaigns 5 and 18. We find K2-182 b is potentially one of the densest sub-Neptunes known to date ($20 \pm 5$ $M_\oplus$ and $5.6 \pm 1.4$ g cm$^{-3}$). K2-199 (EPIC 212779596; $V = 12.3$ mag) is a K5V dwarf observed in K2 campaigns 6 and 17 which hosts two recently-confirmed planets. We refine the orbital and planetary parameters for K2-199 b and c by modeling both campaigns of K2 photometry and adding 12 Keck-HIRES measurements to the existing radial velocity data set ($N$ = 33). We find K2-199 b is likely rocky, at $6.9 \pm 1.8$ $M_\oplus$ and $7.2^{+2.1}_{-2.0}$ g cm$^{-3}$. K2-199 c has an intermediate density at $12.4 \pm 2.3$ $M_\oplus$ and $2.9^{+0.7}_{-0.6}$ g cm$^{-3}$. We contextualize these planets on the mass-radius plane, discuss a small but intriguing population of "super-dense" sub-Neptunes ($R_\mathrm{p} 20$ $M_\oplus$), and consider our prospects for the planets' atmospheric characterization.
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