In-flight imaging of transverse gas jets injected into compressible crossflows

The development of and results from an airborne flight-test experiment to study nonreacting gas jets injected transversely into subsonic and slightly supersonic crossflows is presented. Freestream/crossflow Mach numbers in the study ranged from 0.6 to 1.2, and planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging of an iodine-seeded nitrogen jet was used to visualize the jet flow. Time-dependent images were obtained with a high-speed intensified video camera synchronized to the laser pulse rate. The entire experimental assembly was configured compactly inside a unique flight-test fixture mounted under the fuselage of NASA Dryden's F-104G research aircraft, which served as a flying wind tunnel. Recorded transverse gas jet images were then digitized to allow analysis of jet trajectory, spreading, and mixing characteristics. Comparisons of experimental results with model predictions in this transonic crossflow regime show reasonable agreement. Nomenclature AJ = cross-sectional area of jet nozzle at exit A6 = cross-sectional area of jet nozzle at transducer location; see Fig. 4 Mj = jet exit Mach number
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