CO at 40–80 km above Kiruna observed by the ground-based microwave radiometer KIMRA and simulated by the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model

This study compares CO in the Arctic stratosphere and mesosphere measured by ground-based microwave ra- diometry with simulations made with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model driven with specified dynamical fields (SD-WACCM4) for the Arctic winters 2008/2009 and 2009/2010. CO is a tracer for polar winter middle atmo- sphere dynamics, hence the representation of polar dynam- ics in the model is examined indirectly. Measurements were taken with the KIruna Microwave RAdiometer (KIMRA). The instrument, which is located in Kiruna, Northern Swe- den (67.8 N, 20.4 E), provides CO profiles between 40 and 80 km altitude. The present comparison, which is one of the first between SD-WACCM4 and measurements, is performed on the small- est space and time scales currently simulated by the model; the global model is evaluated daily at the particular model grid-point closest to Kiruna. As a guide to what can gener- ally be expected from such a comparison, the same analysis is repeated for observations of CO from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS), a microwave radiometer onboard NASA's Aura satellite, which has global coverage. First, time-mean profiles of CO are compared, revealing that the profile shape of KIMRA deviates from SD-WACCM4 and MLS, espe- cially in the upper mesosphere. SD-WACCM4 and MLS are mostly consistent throughout the range of altitude con- sidered; however, SD-WACCM4 shows slightly lower val- ues in the upper mesosphere. Second, the time evolution is compared for the complete time series, as well as for the slowly and rapidly evolving parts alone. Overall, the agree- ment among the datasets is very good and the model is al- most as consistent with the measurements as the measure- ments are with each other. Mutual correlation coefficients of the slowly varying part of the CO time series are 0.9 over a wide altitude range. This demonstrates that the polar winter middle atmosphere dynamics is very well represented in SD-WACCM4 and that the relaxation to analyzed meteo- rological fields below 50 km constrains the behavior of the simulation sufficiently, even at higher altitudes, such that the simulation above 50 km is close to the measurements. How- ever, above 50 km, the model-measurement correlation for the rapidly varying part of the CO time series is lower (0.3) than the measurement-measurement correlation (0.6). This is attributed to the fact that the gravity wave parametrization in WACCM is based on a generic gravity wave spectrum and cannot be expected to capture the instantaneous behavior of the actual gravity wave field present in the atmosphere.
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