Bird Resistance in Diverse Germplasm of Sorghum 1

This study was conducted to examine the relative amount of bird resistance present in a broad spectrum of available sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] since bird resistance is highly desirable for inclusion into plant breeding programs. Ratings were taken on damage inflicted by natural populations of birds and on several plant characters, including tannin content of the seed, color of the seed, and plant height. The bird damage done to 142 domestic and exotic lines of sorghum revealed the presence of germplasm imparting resistance to birds: SPI 35038 had a low damage rating (2.5); lines SA 370 and Colby had a high damage rating (9.0). Some commercially available sorghum hybrids also appeared to have resistance. The amount of tannin in the sorghum seed was negatively associated with bird damage, as were seed color and plant height, although to a lesser extent. The amount of tannin and seed color showed a positive correlation. Nevertheless, several sorghum lines appeared to be resistant that contained a relatively low amount of tannin.
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