Neighbourhood association and tenure stabilisation in informal settlements: The case of Lengkong

Neighbourhood Association (RT - Rukun Tetangga) is a state-engineered, community-based governance system in Indonesia. It provides the lowest level of governance and lies outside the formal government structure. While RT is a voluntary-based organisation, its role in improving the security of tenure of kampung residents is significant. For instance, the process of issuing a resident's identity card by the district government starts from obtaining approval from the RT chief, who confirms one's residency in a neighbourhood. With an identity card, a kampung resident can get access to various public services, such as electricity and water connections, which are instrumental in maintaining the existence of an informal settlement. This paper examines the role of Neighbourhood Associations in tenure stabilisation of informal settlements. The development of Lengkong - an urban kampung on the fringes of Yogyakarta - is used as a case study.
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