Влияние системной энзимотерапии на уровни некоторых цитокинов у больных ишемической болезнью сердца

The complex treatment of a stable angina pectoris with systemic enzyme therapy resulted in IL-1β level decrease (p<0,05). The tendency to the decrease in IL-8 and TNF-α levels was found. Serum IL-6 concentrations did not differ significantly during the period of observation. There was the increase in the phagocytic number for monocytes and neutrophils and the significant increase in the bactericidial activity of neutrophils. The reduction in frequency of anginal attacks per day and the increase in an exercise tolerance took place. Echocardiography in dynamics has revealed the improvement of a diastolic function of the heart. Echodensitometric research of the myocardium in a diastole displayed disappearance of the heightened ultrasonic density segments, which had been discovered before treatment. Among the mechanisms contributing to the medical effect of the method it's necessary to mark fibrinolytic and antiplatelet effects of hydrolytic enzymes.
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