Feature attention for binocular disparity in primate area MT depends on tuning strength

Attending to a stimulus modulates the responses of sensory neurons that represent features of that stimulus, a phenomenon named “feature attention.” For example, attending to a stimulus containing upward motion enhances the responses of upward-preferring direction-selective neurons in the middle temporal area (MT) and suppresses the responses of downward-preferring neurons, even when the attended stimulus is outside of the spatial receptive fields of the recorded neurons (Treue S, Martinez-Trujillo JC. Nature 399: 575–579, 1999). This modulation renders the representation of sensory information across a neuronal population more selective for the features present in the attended stimulus (Martinez-Trujillo JC, Treue S. Curr Biol 14: 744–751, 2004). We hypothesized that if feature attention modulates neurons according to their tuning preferences, it should also be sensitive to their tuning strength, which is the magnitude of the difference in responses to preferred and null stimuli. We measured how the effects of feature attention on MT neurons in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) depended on the relationship between features—in our case, direction of motion and binocular disparity—of the attended stimulus and a neuron's tuning for those features. We found that, as for direction, attention to stimuli containing binocular disparity cues modulated the responses of MT neurons and that the magnitude of the modulation depended on both a neuron's tuning preferences and its tuning strength. Our results suggest that modulation by feature attention may depend not just on which features a neuron represents but also on how well the neuron represents those features.
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