Getting a Grip on Multi-GNSS: The International GNSS Service MGEX Campaign

Within the International GNSS Service (IGS), more than 200 worldwide agencies have, for many years, pooled resources and permanent GNSS station data to generate precise GNSS products in support of Earth science research, multidisciplinary applications, and education. So far, this service has been restricted to two systems — namely, GPS and GLONASS. In recognition of the rapidly evolving GNSS landscape, the IGS has set up the Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) to explore and promote the use of new navigation signals and constellations. It will enable an early familiarization with new GNSS, identify and overcome relevant challenges, and prepare use of emerging navigation systems in routine IGS products. MGEX comprises the build-up of a new network of sensor stations, the characterization of the user equipment and space segment, the development of new concepts and data processing tools, and the generation of early data products for Galileo, QZSS, and BeiDou. MGEX is coordinated by the IGS Multi-GNSS Working Group (MGWG), which interacts closely with other IGS entities, such as the RINEX WG, the Antenna WG, the Data Center WG, and the Infra-structure Committee. The article starts out with a description of the MGEX network that formed the starting point and initial focus of the overall MGEX project. Following a description of system characterization activities, the current status of multi-GNSS data products and ongoing efforts for the development of new standards for multi-GNSS-related work within the IGS are presented.
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