A survey of Gnathostoma larvae in fresh water fish in the valley of the Yangtze river and morphological characteristics of the recovered larvae

Investigations of the prevalence of larval gnathostomes in fresh water fishes were carried out at the southeastern Yangtze Valley, People's Republic of China, in the periods of October 1989 and November 1990. Fishes were collected from Shanghai, Chenchiang, Nanching, Chiuchiang and Nanchang districts in 1989. Additional sampling in Shanghai district was done at Kunshan, Tien-shanfu, Chingpu and Nanhui. Species of fishes collected were Channa argus (110), Siniperca chuatsi (24) and Silurus asotus (2). Muscle tissue of the fishes was dissected into small pieces, sliced and then examined under a dissecting microscope. The viscera were pooled by species in groups of 4 or 5 individuals, homogenized, and were then digested overnight in artificial gastric-juice at 37°C. Four encysted larvae were recovered from the muscle tissue of four C. argus. Thirty-four larvae were obtained from digestion of viscera. A total of 38 38 larvae were recovered. Eighteen of 38 larvae were examined morphologically and they were able to be divided into three types by their body length; 5 early third-stage larvae (0.58-0.86 mm), 12 third-stage larve (1.12-2.61 mm), and one advanced third-stage larva of 4.86 mm. Light and scanning electron microscopy revealed that the former two types had characteristics of Gnathostoma hispidum and the last one had those of G. spinigerum. In 1990, we investigated fish near Hongtze-hu and Tai-hu lakes. A total of 553 fishes belonging to 12 genera and 12 species were examined. Seventeen larvae were recovered from the viscera of G. argus and Monopterus albus. These larvae were identified as G. hispidum.
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