Zimnotłoczone oleje: lniany (wysoko- i niskolinolenowy) i rzepakowy. Który wybrać?

The study aimed at comparing two types of flaxseed oil (high- and low linolenic) and rape- seed oils, cold pressed, which have recently gained in popularity in Poland. The studies included evaluation of chemical quality by analysis of acid, peroxide and iodine values and determination of the fatty acid composition. The values that determine the oil quality were varied, e.g. the acid value ranged between 2,1 and 2,9 mg KOH/g, peroxide value between 0,7 and 1,3 meqO2/kg and iodine value between 113,7 and 179,1 g/100g for the tested oils. The fatty acid composition for all three oils were also different – low-linelonic flaxseed oil had about 70% of linolenic acid (LA), hgh0linolenic flaxseed oil had about 55% of alpha linolenic acid (ALA), while rapeseed oil had about 65% of oleic acid (OA). Chromatographic analysis also showed elevated levels of erucic acids in the rapeseed oil as compared with flaxseed oils. The necessity of dietary supplementation in omega-3 fatty acids for maintaining health was also presented.
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