[The Rhizobium-Prosopis symbiosis in the Argentinian Chaco Arido].

: Low productivity soils can be improved by incorporation of adapted legumes species able to increase the nitrogen fixation when associated to Rhizobium strains. Two fast-growing Rhizobium strains were isolated from nodules of Prosopis alba. Infectivity and effectivity of the strains were assessed under controlled conditions, measuring the following parameters: nodule number, dry weight, nitrogen percentage and fixed nitrogen. P. flexuosa strains showed high infective capacity (144 nodules/plant) but low effectivity (21.4 mg fixed nitrogen in 75 days). Although nodule number in P. alba was lower (23 nodules/plant) nitrogen fixation was higher (119.5 mg fixed nitrogen in 75 days) as compared with P. flexuosa. The isolated strains might be used as nitrogen donors in aride soils; they might be helpful to forestation of these ecosystems.
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