Practical Wind Resource Assessment for Tayside Region in Scotland

This paper presents the results of a study which estimates the practical wind energy resource for the Tayside Region of Scotland. The study considered all technical, environmental and legislative factors relevant to wind energy development. Due consideration was also given to National Planning Policy Guideline (NPPG6): Renewable Energy and Planning Advice Note 45 (PAN45): Renewable Energy Technology, issued by the Scottish Office Environment Department, in addition to the policies of the planning authorities within Tayside with regards to such matters as development in National Scenic Areas and other designated areas. An area of 1290 km 2 was identified as being the minimum practical resource which is free from environmental and technical constraints and which has sufficiently high wind speeds to make extraction of energy from the wind commercially viable. This area could accommodate an installed wind energy capacity of 9675 MW and produce 24.6 TWh of wind generated electricity per annum.
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