Additional file 5: of The stepwise evolution of the exome during acquisition of docetaxel resistance in breast cancer cells

Sheet 1: Contains a list of genes included in the GPEC analysis performed on selected genes in each stage (sub-line). Data shown for both cell lines: MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231. Also, a literature-curated list of genes with known association to taxane resistance is given (Ehlers et al, unpublished observations). Sheet 2: Results for the GPEC analysis performed on selected genes in each stage (sub-line) of the MCF-7 cell line. Sheet 3: Same as sheet 2, but with data for the MDA-MB-231 sub-lines. Sheet 4: A data sheet containing the top 10 genes from the GPEC analysis performed on selected genes in each stage (sub-line). Data shown for MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 sub-lines. (XLSX 106 kb)
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