Profil antropometri, ketersediaan energi dan kepadatan tulang pada atlet remaja putri berbagai cabang olahraga

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan profil antropometri, ketersediaan energi, dan kepadatan tulang pada atlet remaja putri berbagai cabang olahraga. Desain penelitian cross-sectional metode consecutive sampling dengan jumlah 54 atlet usia 13-21 tahun dilaksanakan di BPPLOP Jawa Tengah, Klub Atletik Salatiga, Klub Atletik dan Renang Universitas Negeri Semarang. Persen lemak tubuh, IMT, fat free mass diukur dengan Total Body Composition Analyzer . Form 24 hour-food recall, 24-hour physical activity record dan fat free mass untuk mengukur ketersedian energi. B one densitometer Osteosys SONOST 3000 untuk mengukur kepadatan tulang. Analisis menggunakan uji One-way ANOVA dan uji Kruskal Wallis . Persen lemak tubuh dan IMT cabang olahraga endurance lebih rendah dibandingkan cabang olahraga kekuatan dan beregu. Terdapat perbedaan ketersediaan energi antara cabang olahraga endurance dan kekuatan (p<0.05). T-score kepadatan tulang cabang olahraga kekuatan lebih rendah dibandingkan cabang olahraga endurance dan beregu. Mayoritas atlet memiliki persen lemak tubuh, IMT, kepadatan tulang tergolong normal, dan ketersediaan energi tergolong rendah. Anthropometric profile, energy availability and bone density in adolescent female athletes in various sports Abstract This study analyzed the differences anthropometric profile, energy availability and bon e density of adolescent female athletes in various sports. A cross-sectional study design consecutive sampling method with 54 athletes aged 13 -21 years conducted in the BPPLOP Central Java, Salatiga Athletics Club, Athletics and Swimming Club Semarang State University . Per cent body fat , BMI, fat-free mass was measured by T otal B ody C omposition A nalyzer. The 24 hour-food recall form , 24-hour physical activity record , and fat-free mass were used for measuring energy availability . Bone densitometer Osteosys SONOST 3000 was used to measu re bone density. Data were analyzed by One-way ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis test. Percent body fat and BMI of endurance sports were lower than strength and team sports . There were differences in the energy av a ilability between endurance and strength sports (p < 0.05) . Bone d ensity t-score of strength sports was lower than endurance and team sports. T he most of athletes classified normal on percent body fat, BMI and bone density, while energy availability was classified low.
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