Genetic variation and population structure of Asarum misandrum (Aristolochiaceae) in Korea

ABSTRACT: Genetic variation in Asaum misandrum, a woodland herb in Korea, was investigated based on alloz-yme analysis with starch gel electrophoresis. All of previously reported populations in Korea were sampled andseven loci from six enzymes were analyzed. Overall genetic variation of A. misandrum population showed con-siderably high levels of genetic variation within the species (A = 2.05, P = 71.4, H E = 0.294). A positive F IS value of A. misandrum indicated overall deficiency of heterozygotes, and a low F ST value (0.112) meant very lit-tle differentiation among populations. Factors contributing to the high levels of genetic diversity found withinpopulations of A. misandrum include population maintenance via wide distribution range from Korea to Japanand primarily outcrossing breeding system. Although it showed moderate genetic diversity level, most habitatsof the species were scattered and discontinuous. Besides, low numbers of individuals were found in the mosthabitats and individuals are collected frequently from the wild due to the unique shape of the flowers as well asthe rarity of the species. Thus, there is a need to set up a reasonable conservation strategies including the main-tenance mechanism of genetic diversity of A. misandrum.
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