Interactions between HIV-1 and Cytomegalovirus in Human Osteosarcoma Cells Carrying Both Viruses

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) may interact in the pathogenesis of AIDS. We compared CMV replication in human osteosarcoma (HOS) cells to that in HOS cells genetically engineered to contain an envelope-deficient HIV-1 proviral construct (designated HOS-HXG). Following acute CMV infection of each cell line, HOS-HXG cells contained higher numbers of intranuclear CMV nucleocapsids than did HOS cells. Infectious CMV could be persistently detected in culture supernatant fluids of the CMV-infected HOS-HXG cells, whereas CMV was lost over several weeks from HOS cells infected with CMV in parallel. HIV-1 CMV pseudotypes were not detected in supernatant fluids from CMV-infected HOS-HXG cells. On day 119 after CMV infection, these cultures were superinfected with HIV-1. These dually infected HOS-HXG cells produced infectious HIV-1 and exhibited markedly enhanced CMV replication compared to parental CMV-infected HOS-HXG cells. Two different HIV-1 tat gene function antagonis...
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